
Renewable building and eco-friendly construction for corporate headquarters and commercial properties is now commonplace in the industry. New builds incorporate solar solutions into initial plans, and older properties are turning mixed use areas into solar systems. Going-green is no longer just it’s a “give-back” initiative, it’s a mission-critical business objective with financial implications that can help stabilize and reduce energy costs.

Large brands and corporations are yielding a high level of return by reducing energy costs with commercial solar solutions. Harnessing power from roof-top panels, dedicating green-space on tech campuses, and identifying all viable areas in which to build these systems, companies are benefitting from cost effective power sources and multiple tax credits.

TJA Clean Energy partners with companies and facilities management to help invest in renewable energy in little time and without disruption to operations. Our team assesses properties and uncovers the potential ROI of buildings and grounds that can be used to design off-grid power.  Our experts engineer and construct a commercial solar solution that is right for your business.

A Partnership with TJA Clean Energy for Corporations

  • Roof-top and grounds assessment for solar solutions
  • Engineer a comprehensive “off-grid” plan for commercial properties
  • Permitting of commercial solar solutions
  • Full construction of solar solutions
  • Personalized service and support guaranteed

Innovation. Expertise. Service.
For close to ten years, TJA Clean Energy has been a leading partner in sustainable energy. Our complete EPC Process of engineering, procuring, and constructing solar solutions presents a variety of opportunities for land owners, corporations, and municipalities. Our dedication to best-in-class solar energy has become a viable, cost-effective solution that is changing the way we harness power.